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About Shoshana Leopold, MS, Certified Reflexologist, Creation Healing & IHT-Way Practitioner.

Shoshana Leopold is a grateful & happy Founder of SHA.  As a younger woman she earned degrees in Biology & Education & dedicated her work-life to improving science education in a variety of educational settings.  During these years, Shoshana learned that Western medicine is only one in a myriad of methods that could potentially help people be healthy & vibrant. She became fascinated by the benefits offered by holistic health traditions including Acupuncture, Homeopathy & Reflexology. Growing in the understanding that our natural tendency is to be healthy, she was intrigued & set about exploring the world of complimentary traditions for her family & herself. She was awed by just how powerful these healing methods are!

It was with Reflexology that Shoshana first found a great professional fit. As a Reflexologist, she focuses her work on creating full body relaxation, increasing energy & optimizing balance throughout the body. Shoshana has been in practice as a Reflexologist for more than 20 years.

Always advancing her studies & expertise, Shoshana has expanded her energy healing acumen by studying & adding Aromatherapy & more recently with IHT-Way® Coaching & Creation Healing,® both created & taught by Master teacher & Shaman, Adalayah (Aneeahseah). As a certified IHT-Way® practitioner, Shoshana has introduced new & dynamic, life-changing dimensions to her services.

IHT-Way Coaching® offers the opportunity to take charge of the difficult, even daunting, issues in your life.  Whether you want more of or less of specific concerns, study & apply the IHT-Way® teachings to immediately & finally change them.

With the profound form of energetic spiritual healing, Creation Healing the Souls Supreme Flight®, SHA offers the opportunity for clients to experience their natural state of wellbeing.

Both Creation Healing® & IHT-Way® Coaching are available in person or remotely.

Join Shoshana today in imagining & creating a world in which it is perfectly natural to feel great!