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Many clients come to Shoshana’s Healing Arts (SHA) in search of ways to improves physical, mental and or emotional conditions. Some are looking for ways to support existing medical treatment. Others are seeking holistic treatments with the goal of easing a situation that they feel does not need medical care. In either case, clients commonly report that they have found that SHA services often provide relief and improvement for many issues. This article is the first in a series exploring some common well-being concerns that respond to holistic services.

Neuropathy can be improved upon utilizing holistic approaches.

At SHA our tagline is “Where is naturally perfect to feel great!”  Clients who suffer with the pain, numbness, tingling or burning of neuropathy find these words are very welcome!

SHA clients with both foot & leg neuropathies report that they have experienced improvements ranging from a significant decrease all the way to symptoms clearing up!

Our approach? We employ a combination of Reflexology, Essential Oils (EOs) & Creation Healing®, a form of spiritual energetic healing. We also encourage & coach clients in the consistent self-care that has been shown to support healing of neuropathy.

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a dysfunction of nerve cells which occurs when the insulating myelin sheath covering individual nerves becomes disrupted.

What causes neuropathy?

One of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes. To mention a few others: vitamin deficiency, alcoholism, spine/back conditions, inflammatory diseases, nerve compression & auto-immune diseases. Toxins in the body, e.g. heavy metals & toxic mold can also cause neuropathy.

When people are diagnosed with neuropathy, their medical practitioner may offer medications to treat the underlying cause and to relieve the pain and discomfort they are experiencing.


Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include numbness, tingling, pain & burning in legs, feet or hands. This in turn may affect the ability to walk, balance & go through the day with ease.

Lifestyle choices can improve neuropathy.

Many foods known to increase symptoms are sugar, other refined carbohydrates, dairy & gluten. Refraining from these foods can make a big difference.

Adding supplements to your health regimen, such as B vitamins, Vitamin D, R Lipoic Acid & supplements that increase blood flow can benefit those with neuropathy. We recommend speaking with your health care provider for help with this.

Quit smoking if you currently smoke.

Smoking constricts blood vessels, decreasing the flow of blood to the extremities & aggravating neuropathy symptoms.

Get regular exercise.

Exercising regularly can decrease blood sugar and increase blood flow to the extremities.

Apply Essential Oils.

SHA clients report that daily application of EOs has improved their symptoms.  Beneficial EOs include doTerra’s Adaptiv, Deep Blue & Turmeric.  Click below for information and to purchase any one of these.


Laurel, here are links for the above

Make an appointment at SHA for Reflexology (in person) &/or  Creation Healing®  (in person or remote) to help the body heal pain & numbness & in turn increase freedom of movement!

Explore the possibility of additional holistic treatment such as Chiropractic or Acupuncture.

The information provided in this article is not a substitute for medical care. Please see a medical provider if you are experiencing symptoms.




heavy metals: